Consulting for Benefit Auctioneers Workshop
How to Create a Highly Profitable Stream of Income For Your Benefit Auction Business with Consulting
Presented by Professional Auctioneer and Consultant
Kathy Kingston, CAI, BAS
Monday, August 5 and Tuesday August 6, 2013
Atlanta, Georgia
This Powerful 2-Day Workshop Will Give you the Consulting Skills Required to Build Massive Success and Propel Profits
Are you ready to gain the competitive advantage you desire that will move your benefit auction business light years ahead?
Would you to like to raise significantly more money, engage donors, motivate volunteers and delight your nonprofit clients so you are delightedly retained year after year?
“There has never been a better time to offer Consulting – nonprofits need and want your unique benefit auction expertise.”
Leverage one of the fastest growing segments of our auction profession today – BENEFIT AUCTIONS – a $16.2 Billion annual industry* with over 1.5 Million nonprofits in the United States.
The Benefit Auction Consultant Workshop will powerfully position you to raise significantly more money, engage donors, motivate volunteers and delight your nonprofit clients so you are retained year after year.
If you think that you can advance your benefit auction business by just auctioning fancy dinners and exotic trips, think again!
Now more than ever, nonprofits seek out benefit auctioneers who can relate to them, solve problems, produce fresh profit-making ideas and to raise more money. Build your confidence and harness these advanced benefit auction consulting competencies now.
Kathy’s personalized coaching will empower you to inspire nonprofit clients, donors and auction audiences to accelerate your career and to skyrocket auction fundraising and invigorate your bottom line.
The Benefit Auction Consultant Workshop will show you how to easily unlock opportunities and tap into the unlimited stream of income by adding consulting with your nonprofit clients.
If you are ready to propel your benefit auction business and your consulting skills, Kathy Kingston, CAI, BAS is excited to work with you personally to provide an innovative and highly interactive workshop on Benefit Auction Consulting.
To thrive in challenging times you must become more creative, learn innovative skills, network more and invest in yourself to compete in this new economy.
But there is GOOD NEWS! The Benefit Auction Business is BOOMING!
Are you ready to take your benefit auction business to the next level?
In this distinctly interactive workshop, and you will practice the specialized skills you need to add highly requested benefit auction consulting services and business to accelerate your profits and exponentially raise more money!
Consulting with non-profit organizations insures auction event success and higher revenues for the non-profit AND your auction company. As a Benefit Auction Consultant, you will empower non-profits to raise more far more funds, increase awareness and goodwill plus those turn auction bidders into loyal long-term donors. (…and that’s your unique power and expertise you bring to your nonprofit clients!)