I highly recommend collecting credit card numbers upfront at check in and assigning bidder numbers to each person/couple. This will make check out much easier and more efficient. If people are not willing to give credit card numbers upfront explain to them that their check out process may take a little longer. You can even have VIP check out for those that submit credit cards upfront as an incentive. Come up with a perk that VIP check out can offer your guests. You could deliver their items to their tables or they could simply have a special checkout line.
“High rollers” or the guests that are known to be high donors should be strategically placed at the front of a room or near the auctioneer. These guests will more than likely bid several times and it helps to keep the flow of the auction if the auctioneer can easily find them. Let the auctioneer know where the high rollers will be sitting prior to the start of the auction, and don’t hesitate to introduce the auctioneer to the high rollers so he can build some rapport with them.
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