Friday, July 18, 2014

How to Raise More Money from Your Donation Web Pages

When it comes to raising money from your donation pages I think every bit of advice can help.  Here are some suggestions from the blog of John Haydon's: "19 Ways to Raise More Money From Your Donation Pages."

This should get your donation page on track:

  1. Ditch the vintage PayPal button
  2. Write a powerful headline
  3. Use fewer words - Only focus on your story and your call-to-action
  4. Limit paragraphs to 2-3 sentences
  5. Use pictures
  6. Use white space to direct the eye
  7. Remove the sidebars and navigation menue
  8. Reduce steps to donate
  9. Only ask for what's required
  10. Write copy in second person narrative - The word "you"
  11. Pick on call to action
  12. Repeat the CTA three times
  13. Use bullet points and numbered items
  14. Use big fonts
  15. Use big buttons
  16. Keep it above the fold
  17. Make it mobile
  18. Optimize your donation pages for search engines
  19. Create a seamless donor experience across all marketing channels
Written by Tracy Karbus of Elite Auctions & Fundraising Services with information from John Haydon.

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